March 30, 2015

Mafia Games Monday (MGM) – New Mod Released!

You read the title, I am releasing a new mod today! Isn’t that awesome? This mod is something that I have been wanted to release to you guys for a while now, but I just have not gotten it to a point to release it as a mod yet. Well..I did today!

So, what’s the mod called? It’s called…April Fools! 😛

Yeah, I do not have any new mod to release today, but wasn’t that exciting to just think about? Okay, I know now you are a little upset with me, right? Why would I say that I am releasing a new mod and then all of a sudden go back on my word?

Does that remind you of anybody? Someone gives you promises, but does not deliver? With the number of times that I have seen it as a programmer and as a game owner, I am sure that many of you have experienced this before too. It is quite a problem nowadays in pretty much any industry, which is really a dire shame. A couple of weeks ago, I got duped out of $10 for my programming. I know, it does not sound like much at all, but MANY of those $10 dupes do add up!

Doesn’t that just give you a little sense of distrust in freelance programmers or game owners? They just want the money, don’t they? Well, as a freelance programmer AND a game co-owner, I can tell you that the money is nice, but that’s certainly not everything. Most freelance programmers do like having some money coming in, but their reputation also plays a big role in ensuring the possibility of being hired again. You never know if the person you are going to “dupe” is in fact someone who has a high reputation in the industry, so why bother? that the ONLY reason why people don’t dupe others? Well, no! You should be an honest person anyways. Period. No matter who it is, just remember that there is a person on the other side expecting something in exchange for the money you’re receiving.

To those who are doubting freelance programmers / game owners: We are all not dishonest. Most of us are honest people who will deliver what is asked of us. Just be sure that you are not one who is dishonest!

To those who have been dishonest in the past: The time is now to change your ways. You can only improve your reputation by becoming an honest freelance programmer or owner. Otherwise, you will find out that you are not going to receive the benefits that you would otherwise be getting for being honest!

To those who have been dishonest and will continue doing so: There will be a time where you upset the wrong person and you will find yourself in court (or even jail if it is an international offense). Be wary, and I would suggest making sure you lock yourself in a cave and not interact with other programmers / game owners. 🙂

That’s all for now, until next time…keep that tech gear ticking.
