November 19, 2015

Crowd Funding

Crowd Funding – it has changed the way that many people are funding their projects. No longer do you need actual investors, you can go through sites like Kickstarter in order to receive the funds that you need to make the project a reality in exchange for giving those who back your project some perks

Or…do you need to make that project a reality and/or give those backers those perks?

Well, apparently not. The Torquing Group, the company behind the project called Zano, has recently announced here that they have folded, meaning that all of those who have backed the project will be receiving nothing for what they gave. Sounds a little like a charity now, doesn’t it?

Adam Buckley, the creator of A Dose of Buckley, has created a video in regards to crowd funding. Language aside, it does tell its story that this can obviously happen with sites like Kickstarter. NOTE: this is NSFW!

What are your thoughts about crowd funding?

That’s all for now, until next time…keep that tech gear ticking.


PS: Credit for sparking this discussion goes to this BBC article. Check it out: